Explore science comfortably at home
Click one of the links above to explore a variety of scientific experiments you can do at home along with us!

Our Mission and CAS Project for the International Baccalaureate Program
Let us answer some of your questions...
What is a CAS project?
As students of the IB program we are required to present a CAS project as part of the diploma. This stands for Creativity Action and Service. CAS goes beyond just this project and into logging extracurricular activities such as sports, volunteering or hobbies. IB emphasizes that CAS is used to help students grow in their passions in tandem with benefitting the community. The project itself encompasses all three of these aspects of CAS and is meant to be collaborative. It incorporates sustained thought and time to grow skills of perseverance, problem-solving and communication.
Why did we decide to do this project?
Both of us felt that there was a need for younger grades to explore science even outside of the classroom. We often felt as young girls that we were never afforded the opportunity to explore different scientific fields in a fun creative way. This is why we decided to create a platform for young people to have access to dive deeper into science. We want to specifically promote STEM to girls, however, these experiments are for everyone!
How will this help our community?
This will hopefully inspire youth to be more confident to try and study science in the future. In addition to motivating them, we hope to teach them some basic scientific principals in various subjects like chemistry, physics, biology and meteorology. We want to show kids that science can be fun and is involved in everyday life.

Learn science right in front of your eyes
Who we are

And then you can try too!

Our names are Gabi and Kate and we’re seniors at Convent High School. We were planning on hosting an awesome science fair for the Convent Middle School (Grades 5-8) around May 2019, but due to COVID-19, we had to cancel. However, we had already planned out each station and we weren’t ready to abandon all of our work. We decided to transfer the fair to a website! We have gone to Convent since kindergarten and we absolutely LOVE anything science-related. We wanted to spread our passion for the STEM fields (science, technology, engineering, and math) to younger people and encourage them to explore everything the science world has to offer.
Gabrielle Guido
Gabi is a science enthusiast who enjoys baking, writing and playing soccer. She plans to enter a Pre-Med major in college.

Kate Baker
My name is Kate and I absolutely love biology and chemistry. I’m hoping to study biochem in college, along with a minor or possibly joint major in philosophy (very different from science, I know, but still super interesting).